Sawyer Permethrin Premium Insect Repellent Fabric Treatment - 370ml
Lasts for 6 Weeks or 6 Washes
Unlike topical insect repellents applied to the skin, Permethrin is applied to clothing and outdoor gear material, bonding to the fabric fibers for up to 6 weeks (42 days) or 6 washings.
When a tick, mosquito, or other insect comes into contact with Permethrin, it absorbs a dose that will either repel or kill the insect. The synthetic version of pyrethrum (a natural insecticide derived from the chrysanthemum flower), Permethrin is non-toxic and registered for use by the U.S. EPA.
To apply, spray Permethrin directly onto clothing and gear with a slow sweeping motion, keeping the bottle about 6 to 8 inches away and treating each side of the garment for about 30 seconds.
Permethrin-treated clothing and fabric should be your first line of defense against insects. It’s specially formulated not to stain or damage your clothing, other fabrics, gear, and equipment — including plastics or finished surfaces. It’s odorless after drying, and one application to your clothing can last up to 6 washings.
In addition to clothing and accessories like shoes, boots, and waders, Sawyer Permethrin is ideal for treating backpacks, tents, camp furniture, hammocks, mosquito netting, luggage, and even bed sheets. Since mosquitoes are better hoppers than flyers, adding more Permethrin-treated landing surfaces around you will improve your protection. Treatment of non-washable items will be effective for up to 42 days of exposure to sun and air.
Sawyer Permethrin Insect Repellent can be applied to dogs and help control mosquitoes, and fleas for 35 days and against ticks for 6 weeks. Official application instructions for use on dogs can be found at
This insect-killing repellent for your clothing is effective against ticks, spiders, chiggers, mites, and mosquitoes for up to six weeks (or six washings).
If you treat your tent, you can expect full potency for up to 40 days of direct sunlight. This is a great way to give your entire campsite a barrier of protection.
Effective against ticks that carry Lyme disease and other fairly common diseases like Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
BEST USES: Multisport, hunting, fishing, international travel
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Permethrin (0.5%)
Repellent should be applied outdoors and before clothing is worn; after it’s treated, hang clothing and let dry two hours (four hours in humid conditions).
Avoid contact with skin and eyes during the application phase.